
The configuration of the flame retardant treatment solution

"Fire escape" Wood retardant and water ratio is generally 1:4-1:6 (weight ratio), the more difficult to recommend the use of wood fire retardant treatment solution higher concentrations.
Fire-retardant treated wood:
General treatment using the vacuum Plastic impact modifier  pressure, the vacuum time is usually 30-60 minutes before, most broadleaf forest (such as birch, linden, elm) pressing time is 30-45 minutes, a pressure of 1.2 trillion fear. Red pine infusion time is 2-3 hours at a pressure of 1.4 MPa, impregnation depth 8-10 mm.
Each time after the treatment liquid can be recycled, the concentration of the treatment solution does not change due to the number of treated wood and change. Retardant lumber production process - vacuum pressure impregnation profile:
1 kg in the container into the amount  stearate aluminum of water, add wood flame, stirring, dissolving into the wood fire retardant transparent solution;
(2) high-pressure impregnation of wood into the pot, cover lid;
3 is evacuated to 600 ~ 650 mm Hg, for 30 to 60 minutes; 4 retardant tank timber opens the connection of the valve, depend on the vacuum pressure impregnation of wood flame into the tank, filled with a flame retardant impregnation of wood cans vacuum was released, close the  PVC shoes stabilizer vacuum valve; 5. slowly pressurized to 1.2 ~ 1.4MPa, and maintained for 2 to 4 hours;
6 Wood Flame absorption: Dry Wood Flame / dry timber = 10 to 15%. Take 4 to 6 in advance with the specifications of timber, label, weighing, the sample dispersion into the dipping tank; immersion period, remove the sample, weighed to calculate the absorption retardant timber. If insufficient absorption retardant timber, extending the immersion time.

