
toxic ammonium aluminum sulfate do, what is the standard of its use

The use of ammonium aluminum sulfate solution was added ammonium aluminum sulfate solution was prepared from a series of n-butyl stearate  operations. It is mainly used as a buffer, neutralizer, leavening agent, water purifying agent, pickles and boiled, stewed food color fixative. So, ammonium aluminum sulfate poisonous? Aluminium ammonium sulfate in food applications use some kind of standard?
Toxic ammonium aluminum sulfate do
In daily life, if excessive intake of aluminum, it will affect people's intelligence, bone demineralization and other hazards. Although ammonium aluminum sulfate chemical additives, but it carbon black powder  has a non-toxic, food grade it is a legitimate food additive, do not exceed the maximum amount prescribed by the State, the human body is no health hazard.
Aluminum ammonium sulfate using the standard requirements
Chinese regulations can be used for fried foods, shrimp, soy, baking powder, biscuits, puffed food and aquatic products, according to iron oxide black  production needs appropriate use of aluminum residues ≤ l00mg/kg. World Health Organization's assessment, the provisions of the daily intake of aluminum 0-0.6mg/kg, kg body weight of a person, that is, a 60kg person allows intake of 36mg. This prescribed, except for aluminum ammonium sulfate, but also applicable to other, such as aluminum chloride, aluminum sulfate and potassium aluminum ions containing chemicals.

