
stabilizer Synthesis of dimer acid lanthanum

pvc heat stabilizer lanthanum dimer acid synthesis process is as follows:
FTS-40 infrared spectrometer, electric oven blast, the contact voltage regulator, vacuum filtration machines, electronic scales, electric mixer, oil bath pot, mortar.
PVC resin, PVC-SG5 (China Xinxiang resin plant production); dimer acid, stearic acid, lanthanum oxide, nitric acid, ethanol, sodium hydroxide, glycerol.
Synthesis of dimer antimony trioxide  acid lanthanum
Weigh 32. 6 g of La2O3 sample was dissolved in dilute nitric acid, then heated until the reaction is complete and dilute to 250 mL, namely to obtain La (NO3) 3 solution.
A certain amount of NaOH in a beaker, add water, a mixed solvent of ethanol (3:1), to which a certain amount of  organic pigments dimer acid, the mixture was stirred at 50 ℃ homogeneous clear solution was obtained, the pH was adjusted to pH9, and then added dropwise La (NO3) 3 solution, stir a few minutes to complete the reaction, filtered after standing in electric blast drying oven spare. First, the product can fully meet the RoHS seven ministries and the state of various types of electronic and electrical products, ban lead and lead limit requirements. Improve titanium dioxide anatase  product quality and grades, solve the various policy rules ban on PVC products, lead and environmental requirements. Second, the product can be 100% replacement for lead salt heat stabilizer

