
Application of the principles of heat stabilizer for shoes and some of the main content

The main stabilizer mixture according to tin, lead and the metal of group A, such as blood, barium, copper, zinc classification. Tin stabilizers: 1 or 2 comprising a tin-carbon bond, oxygen or sulfur as  WSD one pack stabilizer the remaining valence bond - tin bond unsaturated anionic tetravalent tin compounds are the most effective stabilizers for PVC. These organic tin compounds are tin oxide or an organic product with the appropriate acid chloride or ester reactions. Synergistic stabilizer mixture are common, typically include various organotin compounds and stream-based wavelet salt (compound) and the auxiliary additives, such as zinc soaps, phosphites, epoxides, esters, ultraviolet absorber, antioxidant agent. Obviously, most of the synergistic composition has a special, and therefore they have not yet WSD PVC lubricants  found fully common. Organotin stabilizers are divided into two types of sulfur and sulfur-free. Sulfur-containing stabilizers are all stable, excellent performance, but the presence of sulfur compounds similar to the taste and cross contamination problems station. Lead salt stabilizer compound, lead oxide content greater than 50%, compared with the conventional stabilizing agents, can reduce the amount of 10% to 30%, with a high efficiency and stability, and without grinding, directly into a kneading pot used for cable material, not only excellent in dispersibility, but also to maintain good  WSD zinc stearate electrical and mechanical properties of PVC. The organic / inorganic composite heat stabilizer S Series microcrystalline tribasic lead sulfate, the product of the reaction crystallization process, the original long needle becomes microcrystalline, thus greatly improving stabilizers in PVC resin dispersion and thermal stability. Low lead compound stabilizer KD series, with outstanding thermal stability

