Thermal stabilizers should preferably absorb both HCL, to eliminate the
active site, the addition of a conjugated polyene chain, carbenium salt
damage, etc. to prevent auto-oxidation, which does not produce the product
of the catalytic degradation of PVC. The Plastic impact modifier actual heat stabilizers have
different functions due to exhibit different thermal stability
characteristics, can be divided into early-type, long-term, intermediate-
and versatile four.
Shandong Zouping, this piece of land has been brought up generation phase
of Fan, its famous through the ages "first and worry about the world,
after the world music", popular for generations lips.
A) cadmium, zinc soap is typical of early-type heat stabilizers, can
quickly absorb HCL, and effectively substituted with carboxylate PVC
unstable chlorine atom in the catalytic chain Cd, Zn, thereby effectively
suppressing early degradation and coloring , but because of the
consumption of fast and transformation products CdC12, ZnC12, but also off
the HCL efficient catalyst PVC, PVC and Chlorinated paraffin thus lead to the degradation of
the material suddenly vicious black, so poor long-term thermal stability.
2) barium, calcium soaps are typically long-term thermal stabilizers,
absorption HCL function only and therefore can not inhibit coloring PVC,
but the conversion product BaC12, CaC12 do not have catalytic activity,
does not cause a sudden black PVC, long-term heat stability better.
3) fatty acids, organic tin are intermediate, both absorption HCL, can
effectively replace with carboxylate unstable chlorine atoms PVC chain,
and transformation products do not have catalytic activity.
4) mercaptan organotin it has versatile Polyethylene wax features, while a variety of
mechanisms can stabilize PVC, transformation products do not have
catalytic activity, and therefore both excellent initial and long-term
thermal stability effect.